Small "c" Canadian

Thursday, June 21, 2007

If you want the straight goods on Equalization...

visit this blog. This is easily the best blog I've found, in terms of explaining the controversy over the Equalization program and the Atlantic Accords. If anyone has found a better source, send it this way. I'm always open to new information.

I think the Prime Minister, in the end, did the right thing with the budget, and Equalization specifically. He certainly could have communicated it better, but in the heat of the moment, when you've been taking jabs from ungrateful premiers for three months, I understand you get a little testy.

Anyone reading this will quickly realize that this goes against my post from last week where I was very critical of the Harper government's communication tactics, but its important, with hindsight, to recognize that, in the end, when the fog clears, people will realize that Harper got it right. As he has on many issues since forming government (ie. income trusts, Afghanistan, etc).


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